Call for papers
Call for Submissions – ISSWOV 2022
International Journal of Comparative Management invites ISSWOV 2022 Conference participants to submit quality manuscripts with a comparative focus for potential publication. Depending on the response, a special issue may be considered.
IJCM aims to publish mainly comparative studies in all fields of management including accounting, corporate strategy, finance, information systems, international business, human resources, marketing and organisational behaviour. The journal is a focal venue for research grounded in comparative perspectives such as context, ownership, strategy, communication, performance and methods. IJCM invites all forms of comparative investigations leveraging theoretical or empirical observations using qualitative or quantitative methods based on survey, interview or archival data.
IJCM is currently hosted at the DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University in Canada, and Dr. Vishwanath Baba is Editor-in-Chief. We have a dedicated and capable editorial board, and all manuscripts go through a double-blind review process.
For more information about the journal, please visit www.inderscience.con/ijcm. Author guidelines can be found here and manuscripts can be submitted here.